SFI In Charge K38
SO Remedy 7F x SFI Miss Me O My
PB Simmental
ASA# 4113347
Running Herd Sire

W/C Intimidator 533K
W/C Innovator 533H x W/C Miss Werning 978G
PB Simmental
ASA# 4121154
Running Herd Sire

WINC Outlaw 015H
TJ Franchise 451D x WINC 801F
3/4 Simmental
ASA# 3796899
Running Herd Sire

ES/Longs Salem HW46-1
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 x ES W46
3/4 Simmental
ASA# 3758406
Running Herd Sire

Long's The Player
TLLC One-Eyed Jack x Long's Dribble (WSJ Encore)
3/4 Simmental
ASA# 3030191
Owners: Haley Farms, OH; Top Hat Farms, UT; Ferguson Show Cattle, OH; Jared Royer, MO; Ben Williamson, PA
Semen Available through Owners or Cattle Visions

TLLC One-Eyed Jack
Long's Shear Pleasure x Long's Sweet Treat (Steel Force)
PB Simmental
ASA# 2668223
Owners: 6BarR, IL; AKA Cattle, IL; Grandview Cattle Co, IA; Jared Royer, MO; Trennepohl Farms, IN; Long's Simmentals
Semen Available through Owners or Cattle Visions

Long's Came to Play
Long's The Player x Long's Penny (JF Foundation)
5/8 Simmental
ASA# 3638252
Owners: Williams Brothers Simmentals, MO
Semen Available through Owner

Long's Pay the Man
Pays to Believe x Long's Sure Charm (Shear Pleasure)
PB Simmental
ASA# 3327014
Owners: Pilkington Cattle Co, NE
Semen Available through Owner or Cattle Visions

Long's Pay to Play
Pays to Believe x Long's Ellie (Steel Force)
PB Simmental
ASA# 3472591
Owners: Dennis Mleynek, IA; Gene Deardorf, IA; Jeff Bauer, IA
Semen Available through Owners or SEK Genetics

Long's Capitalist
W/C Night Watch x RBS Bullseye E718 (Bullseye)
PB Simmental
ASA# 3638260
Owners: Duane McKey
Semen Available through Cattle Visions